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Chase Lumber and Troop 53 – McFarland Community Project


You don’t have to be an Eagle Scout to do something great for your community. But as it happens, this story is about an Eagle Scout who did something great for his community.

Enter the project.

The Larson House is a historical home in McFarland, and it was in need of three new trellises. For Eagle Scout, Riley, of Troop 53 in McFarland that seemed like a perfect project to take on.

So, Riley went about looking into the parameters of completing this project. Wherein he found, per historical requirements, the trellises needed to be made of cedar.

And thus, the roadblock. After pricing the amount of cedar it would take to complete the project, he discovered that the cost was well beyond the budget. So, Rick our manager at Chase Lumber in McFarland reached out to Riley and told him to stop in.

Rick took Riley out to the yard and figured between the both of them they would find, you guessed it, the solution.

Sure enough, Rick found a pile of older, graying and slightly twisted cedar boards that, with a touch of elbow grease, would be perfect for the project. Most of the boards were of different sizes than what was needed per Riley’s drawings. But Rick showed him how to rip and resaw them down to the right sizes in order to make the slates for the lattice sections. For the frames, they found some older, greying 1xs in the yard that after some sanding would be ideal for the trellises.

So, with a much lower cost and a deal to donate a portion of the materials, Riley had everything he needed to finish his project.

The result?

Well, the outcome speaks for itself.

Thank you, Riley, from all of us at Chase Lumber and the McFarland community. It was a pleasure to help you make this a reality. And a lesson that any barrier has a solution when people put their heads together.